Its now past midnight and Im ready for bed. I started taking pictures at 11am this morning of all the puppies. They are now 3 weeks old and SO precious and sweet. Every time I photograph their pictures it just brings them closer to my heart because it great bonding time plus teaches them disipline and starts them early on their training. Below you will see most of the pictures that took me around 12 hours from start to finish to get them taken, edited and on the website and search engines, excluding the time I manage to gulp down a burger. So does that make us breeders, photographers also? :-)
![]() The babies are now 3 weeks old today. They started eating their mush today. They loved it! Plus they are still feeding off their mom but it will be time to wean soon because their teeth are coming in. I only feed 4 and 5 pups at a time this way they dont start shoving and pushing each other out of the way when they get older. They are learning how to share at a young age :-) All 13 babies are doing wonderful! They are so precious and sweet. Mom is taking a much needed break today in these cell phone pictures and now this big momma is going to bed and let Beth take over her shift for the night :-)
![]() Here is Sadie and puppies in Whelping room. Sadie is resting comfortably and the puppies are all doing great! They will stay in the birthing tub a few more weeks. I have got 1st and half of 2nd shift and Beth has half of 2nd and most of 3rd shift until I get up in the mornings then she goes to bed and rest for her next shift. We are rotating them every 2 hours now because there are SO many and also bottle feeding, supplementing half and half goats milk so that its not so hard on the momma and to make sure the puppies get all the nutrients they need. They are absolutely beautiful. Each and every one. The yellow ribbon puppy seems to cry out, "Ma Ma, Ma Ma, Ma Ma". Its So adorable! She's gonna be a talker...Lol They are being wwatched 24/7 and are pulled back up to the mom to feed every 30 minutes in between their 2 hour rotation. I will not be leaving home for a good week or so yet but when I do I have a puppy sitter on call around the clock. I sure didnt want this many but when he blesses us, he blesses us 10 fold and I would'nt take back any one of them if I had to. They are so precious! My back, neck, sholders and body still aches horribly from delivering all thirteen puppies that took over 14 hrs. I was there by her side the entire time! Their cords were so short that the pup would simply hang out of the mom with the sac still intact. I didnt want her chewing them because of complications so I cut them out of their sacs and cut all 13 puppies cords. Just wanted to update all you guys and let you know we are still here and doing very well and still recouperating. Gotta get back to work :-) |
About Us:I'm a mother of four wonderful, grown children I am SO proud of and a grandmother of 13 amazing grandzilla's. We all live a good life with our German Shepherds being such an additional blessing to us all. Life is good here on Sand Mountain!!! Archives
July 2015
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